Tech Boi ( Software Engineer, Gamer )
About Me
I am 26, and live with my amazing wife Ashley. We also have five hooligan cats! I have been messing with code for just about as long as I can remember. My very first website was calebsgames, which I built when I was 8 years old. The site was basically just a list of all of my games, what I liked about them, and my overall ratings (plus a link to a site with all the cheat codes!) Unfortunately, that site is no longer up, but it was still my first stepping stone into the world of programming. I remember many late nights with my Father, a fellow software engineer, drinking energy drinks and trying my best to wrap my head around what he was trying to explain he was doing in php. Now, with 10 years of casual experience, a four year computer science degree, and two years of full-time software development under my belt, I feel very prepared to solve any problem thrown my way!